Dig the atmosphere in this one! Feels like it moves a bit slowly, but that's appropriate for an ambient track such as this. If I had to say something, you should probably boost the volume a bit, the whole master is pretty quiet.
Dig the atmosphere in this one! Feels like it moves a bit slowly, but that's appropriate for an ambient track such as this. If I had to say something, you should probably boost the volume a bit, the whole master is pretty quiet.
thank you so much for your feedback! I think you're right, I will make sure to improve on that on my next songs.
microtones huh?
microtones are scary
They become less scary once you get used to listening to and working with them
Not bad, elements are there but everything feels real mechanical and lacks depth. I'd recommend learning some basic music thoery, it should do you well.
ligma nuts?
careful there buddy you're gonna get yourself blacklisted if you don't rate your content properly
I like this one but it feels a bit slow. Some more variation in the first few minutes would be nice.
I appreciate that, and for sure, it would make it more interesting B)
Nice. I don't know whether that static ia intentional or not but it's really annoying. If it isn't intentional it's prob caused by CPU load, or too short of an audio buffer. Not sure how to change that in GarageBand, but theres prob a tutorial out there somewhere.
Well done. Keep it up m8
LOL you're right, and funnily enough, that's an intentional noise filter, but I've learned a lot since then. Thanks B)
please dont launch your kitties at me
what if i do
dude 10 hours is short 💀
this is the time spent in fl studio. so actually I spent 4 days.
Good work my man, I think what this track needs is some more variation and layera. You got that little harp (i think) ostinato that plays through the whole track, and for the first few minutes thats basically the only thing you hear. The ending is fire though, nice job on that front. Feels like something out of The Witcher (albeit no throat singing).
That little harp is a piano I mixed up a little to make it sound slightly off. I kinda wanted that to take protagonism for a while, make it the core of the track, but yeah I can see how it might be too much for some.
My favorite part happens to be the ending too, it has a certain finality to it, which does fit well with the challenge I had. I'm very pleased with that part.
Glad you enjoyed it. I really should try The Witcher some day.
@JinZ would like to have a word with you
I'll hit him up on Discord when he's online!
music is pretty chill
wanna make a song/ask me something/criticize me/send me memes/whatever? dm me on discord @crispybatteryacid!
Joined on 12/20/22