couldn’t sleep again huh
couldn’t sleep again huh
Brother, I haven't slept right in the past week and a half. I've been too inspired and have been producing some of the best music of my life. This is still a work in progress (as of 11/16/2024 4:00pm) but I think it's coming along nicely. I appreciate you always coming to check stuff out and leaving your two cents. I'm glad you enjoy it and I hope it inspires you to create some bangers of your own.
vocals are suuuuper clean
appreciate it :))
that bass at 0:21 do be hittin hard
the basey boom! =)
it took very long to scroll down here
I apologize lmao, that scroll is INSANE
not bad. Bass guitar is really nice!
this is beautiful. one thing is that im getting annoying lil peaks in my headphones sometimes, when the music box gets too loud. use a compressor to get rid of that and ur good.
I appreciate that! Never used a compressor before. I hope that fixed it.
dokuro's the goatttt
not bad, drums are a bit flat and there's not a lot of dimension. a big ass pad and some bass would do you well.
Lol this is like 3 years old made with FL mobile but thanks
We don't make music at the moment but maybe again in the future
Also yeah Dokuro is like the best music artist alive tbh tbh
this is nice, strings in the bg go hard and the cool ambient bell stuff around 0:40 is dark and cool.
one thing i'd do is try to implement the vocals more subtly, they're a bit too loud for my liking.
nice work!
edit: @ravenousxxxdemon this sounds great. nice work mate! best of luck to you as well :)
Thank you so much for stopping by to leave a review. It means the world to me and I appreciate the feedback. It will go a long way in making me a better artist. I'm taking your advice and I'm making the vocals over all quieter and as a token of appreciation I added a new instrument (flute) to help the finale's background strings really shine by taking advantage of the 3-d nature of sterioizers panning. I wish you the best of luck with all your future projects! All of this has been added at the time of this writing.
ooh that percussion is nice. bass is a great addition as well. Nice work man!
Thank you!
music is pretty chill
wanna make a song/ask me something/criticize me/send me memes/whatever? dm me on discord @crispybatteryacid!
Joined on 12/20/22