not my thing but in the S64 era it prob would be more appreciated
not my thing but in the S64 era it prob would be more appreciated
Yeah I know, that was what I was going for!
yo wtf this goes hard?
The synth arpeggio is really nice, kick in the back helps keep the track moving. The mix gets a bit too bright with that piano around 1:03 until 1:09, but that's about the only thing wrong with this track. Piano is great otherwise.
Also what's with the T rating? Seems appropriate for all audiences, to me...
edi5: Checkout out ur yt. If you make all this shit on FL Mobile then I'm leaving the country because I've failed as a musician
I make most of all my music with FL Studio Mobile (i've been using it for 6 years now so switching to a different DAW is a bad idea.) However i sometimes use plugins on FL Studio 2024: Producer Edition, therefore the difference in piano's etc...
that drop at 0:28 goes hard as fuck holyy
AI voiceovers are chill, sound selection is great as well. Well done m8!
please explain to me what a luf is
Yo thank you!
LUFS stands for Loudness Units Relative to Full Scale, essentially a standardized measurement of perceived loudness. Services like Spotify use it for normalization instead of dB peaks. The loudness wars wield it as a weapon. Me, I dared to meme.
pnot bad, I don't like the lyrics much but everything else is pretty good
This is a recording from the blogger's streamer, whose death the track is dedicated to(
sidechain from 0:14-0:25 sounds too heavy to me, but other than that nice work mate!
Yes, by the way, there is such a thing. I should have done a little less sidechaining.
Thanks for your comment!
Чувак, тебе *нужно* выучить немного теории музыки. Я знаю, что может показаться более привлекательным попытаться научиться всему самому, но поверьте мне, когда я говорю, что ваша музыка значительно улучшится. Теория музыки довольно проста, и вы определенно не пожалеете, потратив 10–15 минут на изучение ее основ.
I'll try =]
Fairly mechanical but it's made on FL Mobile so I'll let it slide. Other than that nice work!
Thank you, crispybatteryacid!
heard there was a party goin on over at Gwonam’s house
Gwonam knows how to party B)
Well done m8, guitar player riffs are fire and the whole track sounds very fire-y. Mix is pretty clean, maybe a bit muddy at times but good overall. Great work!
I definitely still wanna work on my rock mixes and stuff, gotta poke around with it at some point haha. Thank you very much!
music is pretty chill
wanna make a song/ask me something/criticize me/send me memes/whatever? dm me on discord @crispybatteryacid!
Joined on 12/20/22