wasn't aware French folks spend their winters at hardcore raves
wasn't aware French folks spend their winters at hardcore raves
Nice mix
Super chill, nice work! Happy New Year!
Thank you. I hope you have a wicked awesome year!
This is great. Mix sounds very full, sound selection is fire and everything overall fits together really well. Nice job m8
This is beautiful. The guitar solo is fire, lyrics sound incredible and atmosphere is all around great. Well done fellers
I love 0:00 to 1:34. Piano is super emotional it fits th3 title nicely. The strings later on are nice, but I think the gaps between them in the last third of the track are too empty. Adding some reverb would fix that.
Nice work!
how can there be days to a years end? I mean, a years end is one event. It happens at midnight on new years eve. Once a year has ended, it's done. There's no second phase. There's no part 2. It's done. Through. History.
How is this possible?
Let's just say we haven't explored all the possibilities yet
under the stars but the stars are die hard ravers
nice mix
not my thing but in the S64 era it prob would be more appreciated
Yeah I know, that was what I was going for!
music is pretty chill
wanna make a song/ask me something/criticize me/send me memes/whatever? dm me on discord @crispybatteryacid!
Joined on 12/20/22