how can there be days to a years end? I mean, a years end is one event. It happens at midnight on new years eve. Once a year has ended, it's done. There's no second phase. There's no part 2. It's done. Through. History.
How is this possible?
how can there be days to a years end? I mean, a years end is one event. It happens at midnight on new years eve. Once a year has ended, it's done. There's no second phase. There's no part 2. It's done. Through. History.
How is this possible?
Let's just say we haven't explored all the possibilities yet
under the stars but the stars are die hard ravers
nice mix
not my thing but in the S64 era it prob would be more appreciated
Yeah I know, that was what I was going for!
yo wtf this goes hard?
The synth arpeggio is really nice, kick in the back helps keep the track moving. The mix gets a bit too bright with that piano around 1:03 until 1:09, but that's about the only thing wrong with this track. Piano is great otherwise.
Also what's with the T rating? Seems appropriate for all audiences, to me...
edi5: Checkout out ur yt. If you make all this shit on FL Mobile then I'm leaving the country because I've failed as a musician
I make most of all my music with FL Studio Mobile (i've been using it for 6 years now so switching to a different DAW is a bad idea.) However i sometimes use plugins on FL Studio 2024: Producer Edition, therefore the difference in piano's etc...
that drop at 0:28 goes hard as fuck holyy
AI voiceovers are chill, sound selection is great as well. Well done m8!
please explain to me what a luf is
Yo thank you!
LUFS stands for Loudness Units Relative to Full Scale, essentially a standardized measurement of perceived loudness. Services like Spotify use it for normalization instead of dB peaks. The loudness wars wield it as a weapon. Me, I dared to meme.
pnot bad, I don't like the lyrics much but everything else is pretty good
This is a recording from the blogger's streamer, whose death the track is dedicated to(
Following keen observation, I have arrived at the conclusion that this work is of dastardly nature. Henceforth, I find these gonks to be most nefarious and will follow this review with a humble request concerning said gonk: may I, perhaps, purchase a specimen from the gentleman? I find their condition to be most intriguing. I anticipate your response.
Good day.
translation: this shit is fire asf
this shit is great. the only flaw I could find is that snare. I don't think it fits the feel of the song, a more electronic sound would be better. Apart from that, everything is great!
sidechain from 0:14-0:25 sounds too heavy to me, but other than that nice work mate!
Yes, by the way, there is such a thing. I should have done a little less sidechaining.
Thanks for your comment!
music is pretty chill
wanna make a song/ask me something/criticize me/send me memes/whatever? dm me on discord @crispybatteryacid!
Joined on 12/20/22