Battery acid??
music is pretty chill
wanna make a song/ask me something/criticize me/send me memes/whatever? dm me on discord @crispybatteryacid!
Joined on 12/20/22
Battery acid??
yo whats good man
@Marscael @crispybatteryacid FUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK
@crispybatteryacid nice to meet you Mr battery acid
yeah you too bro
@octopus58 are you the one who frontpaged me? like are you a mod or sum or am i completely wrong
@crispybatteryacid I'm not a mod haha, I just suggested your song gets front paged because i thought it sounded very good. Congratulations though!
thank you very much! ive only been composing for like a month and a half, so feedback from an esteemed media producer such as yourself is something I value greatly :D
@crispybatteryacid of course, and keep it up! Also I've never been called a producer before lol, I'm flattered :D
nah bro, no need to be. if you make good stuff that other people enjoy and are willing to pay for, you're a producer and nothing less. good luck on your future endeavors, my g
@crispybatteryacid Good luck to you as well! Hope to come across more of your tracks later :)
Yesss my man you did it!